Tori no Ichi – it means “The Cock Fair” according to an online dictionary (Tori means a cock in this case, and Ichi means fair). But you can’t get any cocks or chicken there. This is held on the Day of the Cock in November - hence the name. I think you might have a question; what is the Day of the Cock?
We Japanese usually use not only the western calendar but also Oriental Zodiac. The Oriental Zodiac is related to twelve animals and we recognize a day or a year as a specific animal. For example, 2007 is the year of the swine, and the next year 2008 is the year of the mouse.
When you work at a farm with a fork, you can scoop something - potatoes, carrots or something like that. As well, antient people (especially the owners of retail store or restaurant) make a wish on a big fork to gain some good for them, such as a lot of customer and a lot of money.
Wait a minute - I thought Tori meant "street" and Ichi meant "One" ?????
Umm good point!!
Actually the word has the same pronunciation, but the Japanese characters (Kanji) are different.
In the case of Tori means "street", it describes "通り", and in this case "酉".
And Ichi means "One", it descrives "一", but in this case "市".
(Anyway, can you see them in Japanese characters???)
Just the sound are same but meanings are different. I think it is difficult to learn Japanese.
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