This is minto's private diary - be updated as there are some daily happenings, noteworthy happenings, mysterious happenings and paranormal chance at all!


The sequel to the HOT match

As I mentioned before, the HOT match in Japan between Habanero to Jolokia resulted in Jolokia's winning (in my opinion anyway).

But now, new faces have joined this exciting match from the US - their names are Habanero chips and Jalapeño chips!!

However, the Japanese Jolokia and Habanero are much better than new ones because the new chips aren't as spicy as the Japanese ones (additionally, Jalapeño tasted and smelled like REAL green pepper...was that a snack?).

To add more credibility, this latest match was held in my office and not only my colleagues but also the president of my company were looking forward to see the tide of this battle - work hard, you guys!!

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